Reviewer: Roni Even
Review result: Almost Ready

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Review Team (Gen-ART) reviews all IETF documents being processed
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Document: draft-ietf-ipwave-ipv6-over-80211ocb-??
Reviewer: Roni Even
Review Date: 2019-06-16
IETF LC End Date: 2019-06-26
IESG Telechat date: Not scheduled for a telechat

The document is almost ready for publication as a standard track RFC

Major issues:

Minor issues:

1. Section 4.2  says "IP packets MUST be transmitted over 802.11-OCB media as
QoS Data" while appendix F say "The STA may send data frames of subtype Data,
Null, QoS Data, and
      QoS Null.".

2. In section 5.2 "The policy dictating when the MAC address is changed on the
802.11-OCB interface is to-be-determined.". Reading the next sentence it looks
to me that this is needed as part of the solution and should not be left for
the unknown future.

3. In Appendix I 4th paragraph " However, this does not apply if TBD TBD TBD. "
.. What are the TBDs?

Nits/editorial comments:
1. In appendix I last paragraph "Support of RFC 8505 is may be implemented on
OCB." should be "Support of RFC 8505 may be implemented on OCB." 2. In Appendix
I "OCB nodes that support RFC 8505 would support the 6LN operation in order to
act as a host".  I think that instead of "would" it should be "should"  also if
this is a recommendation why not have this paragraph not in an appendix with
"MAY" and "SHOULD"

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