Elwyn, thanks for your review. Carsten, thanks for addressing Elwyn’s comments. 
I entered a No Objection ballot.


> On Sep 25, 2019, at 10:55 AM, Carsten Bormann <c...@tzi.org> wrote:
> Hi Elwyn,
> thank you for these comments.
> These are now addressed in the editor’s copy on github, specifically in
> https://github.com/cbor-wg/array-tags/commit/f63c0301c481ab773c16b96a9b0eb63456554049
> <https://github.com/cbor-wg/array-tags/commit/f63c0301c481ab773c16b96a9b0eb63456554049>
> Details below.
>> On Sep 6, 2019, at 21:33, Elwyn Davies via Datatracker <nore...@ietf.org> 
>> wrote:
>> Reviewer: Elwyn Davies
>> Review result: Ready with Nits
>> I am the assigned Gen-ART reviewer for this draft. The General Area
>> Review Team (Gen-ART) reviews all IETF documents being processed
>> by the IESG for the IETF Chair.  Please treat these comments just
>> like any other last call comments.
>> For more information, please see the FAQ at
>> <https://trac.ietf.org/trac/gen/wiki/GenArtfaq>.
>> Document: draft-ietf-cbor-array-tags-07
>> Reviewer: Elwyn Davies
>> Review Date: 2019-09-06
>> IETF LC End Date: 2019-09-05
>> IESG Telechat date: Not scheduled for a telechat
>> Summary:
>> Ready with a couple of nits.  Apologies for slightly late delivery.
>> Major issues:
>> None
>> Minor issues:
>> None
>> Nits/editorial comments:
>> s1, para 2: s/have received/has received/
>> s1, para 3: s/This also can/This can also/
>> s1.1, last para: s/whether that/as to whether that/
> I put these in (oops, missed one, now in 
> https://github.com/cbor-wg/array-tags/commit/4490e8b6f9f157779783f645c2c4ee6f9e749f74
> <https://github.com/cbor-wg/array-tags/commit/4490e8b6f9f157779783f645c2c4ee6f9e749f74>
>  ).
>> s2.1, 2nd para after Table 2 (top of page 5):
>> OLD:
>>     It can be computed
>>     inversely to the previous formula from the length of the byte string
>>     in bytes: "bytelength >> (f + ll)".
>> NEW:
>>     It can be computed from the length of the byte string comprising the
>>     representation of the array by inverting the previous formula: 
>> "bytelength
>>>> (f + ll)".
> This misses the “in bytes”, which may be obvious to many, but should be said.
> Now:
> It can be
> computed from the length, in bytes, of the byte string comprising the
> representation of the array by inverting the previous formula:
> `bytelength >> (f + ll)`.
>> s2.1: The terms endianness, big endian and litle endian are jargon, if pretty
>> well known jargon, but I don't know if they are considered to be adequately
>> well understood to avoid the need for a reference or  an explanation of what 
>> is
>> meant.
> Very good point; we sometimes get too mired in our jargon.
> Now at the end of the terminology section:
> The terms "big endian" and "little endian" are used to indicate a most
> significant byte first (MSB first) representation of integers, and a
> least significant byte first (LSB first) representation, respectively.
> I think we can tolerate the one occurrence of “endianness” before that, as 
> that is just in a list of examples.
> Grüße, Carsten
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