Dan, thanks for your review. Jake, thanks for making the changes. I entered a 
No Objection ballot.


> On Dec 3, 2019, at 3:31 PM, Dan Romascanu <droma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Jake,
> Thanks for addressing these issues. 
> No further comments. 
> Regards,
> Dan
> On Tue, Dec 3, 2019 at 6:57 PM Holland, Jake <jholl...@akamai.com 
> <mailto:jholl...@akamai.com>> wrote:
> Hi Dan,
> On 2019-11-28, 07:22, "Dan Romascanu via Datatracker" <nore...@ietf.org 
> <mailto:nore...@ietf.org>> wrote:
> > Nits/editorial comments:
> > 1. The reading of 2.4.1 and 2.4.3 seemed to me confusing. 2.4.1 speaks about
> > 'establishing' a connection while 2.4.3 speaks about 'completing' a 
> > connection.
> > Are the two terms equivalent? If so, I would prefer to use only one of 
> > them, if
> > not, some more clarification is necessary.
> Good point, thanks.  I've provisionally changed my local copy to use
> "established", which I think addresses this comment:
> OLD:
>    o  An AMT connection is completed successfully when the gateway
>       receives from a newly discovered relay a valid Membership Query
> NEW:
>    o  An AMT connection is established successfully when the gateway
>       receives from a newly discovered relay a valid Membership Query
> > 2. The term 'tier 3 ISP' used in Section 3.1.1 is an 'industry term' that 
> > needs
> > to be defined, either by reference or in text.
> I've removed the "Tier 3" and expanded the first use to "Internet Service
> Provider" (2nd use, not including section title).  I think the "Tier 3"
> was non-essential.
> OLD:
> 3.1.1.  Tier 3 ISP
>    One example of a receiving network is an ISP that offers multicast
>    ingest services to its subscribers, illustrated in Figure 3.
> NEW:
> 3.1.1.  Internet Service Provider
>    One example of a receiving network is an Internet Service Provider
>    (ISP) that offers multicast ingest services to its subscribers,
>    illustrated in Figure 3.
> Thanks for pointing out the nits, and please let me know if there's
> anything else you think needs changing.
> Thanks and regards,
> Jake
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