
Your proposed changes sound good.


On 1/27/20 7:33 AM, tirumal reddy wrote:
On Mon, 27 Jan 2020 at 15:36, tirumal reddy < <>> wrote:

    Hi Paul,

    Thanks for the review. Please see inline

    On Thu, 23 Jan 2020 at 21:09, Paul Kyzivat <
    <>> wrote:

        I am the assigned Gen-ART reviewer for this draft. The General Area
        Review Team (Gen-ART) reviews all IETF documents being processed
        by the IESG for the IETF Chair.  Please treat these comments just
        like any other last call comments.

        For more information, please see the FAQ at


        Document: draft-ietf-dots-architecture-15
        Reviewer: Paul Kyzivat
        Review Date: 2020-01-23
        IETF LC End Date: 2020-01-27
        IESG Telechat date: ?


        This draft is on the right track but has open issues, described
        in the


        This is a very well written document! Even though I lack any
        of the subject domain I was generally able to understand it.

        I had trouble classifying some of my issues below. I wanted to
        make them
        be questions. But in a review such as this it makes more sense
        to state
        them as issues of clarity in the text, since the reader should
        not be left with questions.


        Major: 0
        Minor: 5
        Nits:  0

        1) MINOR: Resource Ownership:

        The 2nd paragraph of section 2.2.2 stresses that it is important
        for a
        DOTS Server to verify that the DOTS Client owns the resources
        over which
        it is requesting mitigation.

        There seems to be quite a lot hiding behind that requirement. In
        particular, how is the server supposed to be in a position to do
        verification? This seems to require that the server have access to
        ownership information. While that may be easy in some cases
        (e.g., when
        the server is operated by the ISP that assigned the resources to
        client), in other cases it could be hard. I'd like to see more
        discussion of this.

    The exact mechanism to validate the resources owned by the DOTS
    client domain is deployment-specific. I can add the following
    example mechanisms to address your comment:

        The exact mechanism for the DOTS servers to validate that the resources 
are within the
        scope of the DOTS client domain is deployment-specific.  For example,
        if the DOTS client domain leverages the DDoS mitigation service of
        its Internet Transit Provider (ITP), it knows the prefixes assigned
        to the DOTS client domain.  If the DDoS Mitigation is offered by a
        third party DDoS mitigation service provider, and if the resources
        are not owned by the requesting domain, it can impose penalties for
        violating the service level agreement.  Alternatively, the DDoS
        mitigation service provider and the DOTS client domain can opt to use
        the identifier validation challenges discussed in [RFC8555] and
        [I-D.ietf-acme-ip] to identify whether the DOTS client domain
        actually controls the resources. Note that the challenges for
        validating control of resources must be performed when no attack
        traffic is present.

I have modified the above text as follows for better clarity:

    The exact mechanism for the DOTS servers to validate that the resources are 
within the
    scope of the DOTS client domain is deployment-specific.  For example,
    if the DOTS client domain leverages the DDoS mitigation service of
    its Internet Transit Provider (ITP), the ITP knows the prefixes
    assigned to the DOTS client domain.  However, if the DDoS Mitigation
    is offered by a third party DDoS mitigation service provider, it does
    not know the resources owned by the DOTS client domain.  The DDoS
    mitigation service provider and the DOTS client domain can opt to use
    the identifier validation challenges discussed in [RFC8555] and
    [I-D.ietf-acme-ip] to identify whether the DOTS client domain
    actually controls the resources.  The challenges for validating
    control of resources must be performed when no attack traffic is
    present and works only for "dns" and "ip" identifier types.  Further,
    if the DOTS client lies about the resources owned by the DOTS client
    domain, the DDoS mitigation service provider can impose penalties for
    violating the service level agreement.


        2) MINOR: Scope and lifetime of sessions:

        Section 3.1 states that a session can be a signal channel
        session or a
        data channel session or both. I'm confused about the
        relationships here.

        If a session can consist of both, how are they related? Is there
        state that ties them together?

        Can a channel survive the loss and reestablishment of a TCP
        Or does the creation of a new connection create a new channel?

        What is the act that creates a new channel, and what destroys one?

        I'd like to see some more text explaining this.

    All above details are discussed in the DOTS signal and data channel
    protocol drafts (currently in the RFC editor queue), added the
    following like to address your comment:

        The DOTS server couples the DOTS signal and data channel sessions using 
the DOTS
        client identity. The DOTS session is further elaborated in the DOTS
        signal channel protocol defined in [I-D.ietf-dots-signal-channel] and
        the DOTS data channel protocol defined in

        3) MINOR: Feedback for recursive mitigation:

        Section 3.2.3 says:

             ... To maximize
             mitigation visibility to the DOTS client, however, the
             domain SHOULD provide recursed mitigation feedback in signals
             reporting on mitigation status to the DOTS client.  For
        example, the
             recursing domain's mitigator should incorporate into mitigation
             status messages available metrics such as dropped packet or
             counts from the recursed mitigation.

        This seems to imply that feedback from So to Cn is routed to Mn for
        merging with Mn's feedback. That seems to violate the
        architecture. Can
        the feedback from So be routed by Gn back to Cc?

    Yes, clarified text as follows:

        For example, the recursing domain's DOTS server should incorporate into 
        status messages available metrics such as dropped packet or byte
        counts from the recursed domain's DOTS server.

        Can this be clarified?

        4) MINOR: Security of recursive mitigation:

        The last paragraph of section 3.2.3 says:

             Deployment of recursive signaling may result in traffic
             examination and mitigation extending beyond the initial
             relationship between DOTS client and DOTS server.  As such,
             control over the network path of mitigated traffic may be
             DOTS client operators should be aware of any privacy
        concerns, and
             work with DOTS server operators employing recursive
        signaling to
             ensure shared sensitive material is suitably protected.

        This sounds like hand waving. Am I right in thinking this is
        about incorporating the details of recursion in the service
        level agreement?

    Yes, will add the following line:

        Typically there is a contractual Service Level Agreement (SLA) 
negotiated among
        the DOTS client domain, the recursed domain and the recursing domain
        to meet the privacy requirements of the DOTS client domain.

        5) MINOR: Normative references:

        I was surprised by the scarcity of normative references. I went
        for MUSTs referencing RFCs and found three: RFC8612 (DOTS
        and RFCs 5389 and 7350 (STUN related). Please consider making these
        normative references.

    Done (Replaced RFC5389 with


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