Reviewer: Pete Resnick
Review result: Ready with Nits

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Document: draft-ietf-6man-icmp-limits-07
Reviewer: Pete Resnick
Review Date: 2020-02-17
IETF LC End Date: 2020-02-25
IESG Telechat date: Not scheduled for a telechat


Nice simple document, easy to read, and pretty much ready to go. The one
"issue" I have listed below is a process nit, but one that should be taken care

Major issues:


Minor issues:

The tracker and the shepherd writeup say that the status of the document is
"Proposed Standard", but the header of the document says "Standard". That's why
the nits checker is complaining about downrefs; it thinks that this is going
for Full Standard. The header should either say "Standards Track" (which is
normal) or "Proposed Standard". (I hereby give Bob crap for missing that one as
shepherd, and I think he should owe me a beer. ;-) )

Nits/editorial comments:

The Abstract and 1.1 both indicate that a source host that receives such an
ICMPv6 error may be able to modify what it sends, which sounds to me like it
means "on the fly". While that might be true, it seems more likely to me that
it will be used for diagnostics to modify future behavior of either the sender
or the receiver at a later date, as mentioned in 4.2. I think it's worth
mentioning up at the top.

Section 1.3: You should probably update to the RFC 8174 text.

Section 5.1: "RECOMMENDS" isn't one of the keywords. It's not a problem in
itself, but if people search the document for the keywords (and they do),
they'll miss this one. Suggest reformulating the sentence to use RECOMMENDED.

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