thanks for review robert,

> This sentence slowed me down when reading:
>    As the origin AS may be modified by outbound policy, policy semantics
>    based on RPKI Origin Validation state MUST be able to be applied
>    separately on distribution into BGP and on egress.
> I suggest something like:
>   As the origin AS may be modified by outbound policy, a BGP speaker 
>   MUST be able to apply policy semantics based on RPKI Origin Validation 
>   state separately on distribution into BGP and on egress.

am i correct that you point is to make clear that this applies to the BGP

i need to think.  clearly, the speaker will be applying the policy.  but
is it not the op configuring the policy which is deciding?  or is it
that you really want to MUST the application, a la

   As the origin AS may be modified by outbound policy, a BGP speaker
   MUST apply ROV policy semantics using the My Autonomous System
   number in the BGP OPEN message (see RFC 4271 section 4.2) issued to
   the peer to which the UPDATE is being sent.


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