Elwyn, thanks for your review. Pascal, thanks for your responses. I entered a 
No Objection ballot.


> On Dec 15, 2020, at 2:36 AM, Pascal Thubert (pthubert) 
> <pthubert=40cisco....@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote:
> Many Thanks Elwynd:
> > 
> > s6.3, next to last para. s8 and s 12.2:  In view of the statement in s6.3:
> > The RPL Root MUST set the 'E' flag to 1 for all rejection and unknown status
> > codes. The status codes in the 1-10 range [RFC8505] are all considered
> > rejections. I think that IANA should be requested to add a column to the 
> > EARO
> > status codes registry being modified by s12.2 to add a column that 
> > identifies a
> > status code as a rejection or otherwise.   Some words in s8 may be 
> > appropriate.
> Well that would require normative text on the 6LoWPAN part. I guess we can do 
> that at the next iteration of a 6LoWPAN ND specification.
> For now what we specify is that from the RPL perspective the listed codes 
> denote a failure such that the RPL operation that wraps it cannot happen and 
> that's enough for us.
> ED>  While I understand that it would be polite to involve 6LoWPAN, WGs don't 
> 'own' RFCs and their associated IANA registries.  Since this draft 'needs' 
> the extra information I personally wouldn't see a problem in asking for the 
> extra column. It doesn't break anythng 6LoWPAN are doing AFAICS. Anyway 
> that's not my call...  ask your AD.
> PT> I posted a separate thread on this one.
> > s7:  Given that [EFFICIENT-NPDAO] is still a draft,  I think this section 
> > should be
> > synchronized with the  draft so that we don't end up with one or the other 
> > new
> > RFC updating an RFC that doesn't yet exist.
> Yes, this was a discussion with Alvaro as well during his AD review and what 
> you see is the outcome.
> In particular, this is one reason why [EFFICIENT-NPDAO] is referenced 
> normatively. 
> ED>  Hmm.  Maybe the rest of the IESG will have something to say about this.  
> PT> Maybe I misunderstand what you mean by synchronize. Would you report the 
> change in NPDAO?
> PT> trouble is that spec is virtually RFC, stuck in MISSREF in cluster C 310, 
> in particular by this doc.
> > 
> > Abstract:  Expand RPL on first use (currently done in s1.) Expand ND.
> Done it (relunctantly) for ND. RPL has been used as a noun by people of the 
> art for a long while now. Expending it would turn the abstract in a book.
> ED>  I know, I know.  But it isn't in the RDC Editor's list of well-jnown 
> abbreviations.  Sorry!
> PT> It’s hard to recognized RPL in its full expansion. I tricked the text to 
> avoid the acronym.
> “
>    This specification updates RFC6550, RFC6775, and RFC8505, to provide
>    routing services to IPv6 Nodes that implement RFC6775, RFC8505, and
>    their extensions therein, but do not support RFC6550.
> “
> > s9.2.3, item 1:  This would be a useful point to mention that the Target 
> > IPv6
> > address is marked by the F Flag being 1.
> Actually it is not. It is set to 0 per the previous section. But the Prefix 
> Length is 128 indicating a host address (not that of the advertiser though, 
> thus the 'F' flag set to 0).
> ED> I'll take your word for that!  The point I was trying to make was that 
> given you have introduced the F Flag,  I think it would be highly desirable 
> to explicitly highlight the point where an implementation would expect to set 
> an F flag as well as places where it isn't set.  I thought there would be an 
> opportunity somewhere in s9.2.1.
>   PT> You’re correct, we define the flag here because we change the Target 
> Option but this spec is not the one that really needs it. It was an 
> opportunistic insertion. This information is useful to test the path back 
> when we advertise a prefix. It gives the root an address to ping within the 
> advertised prefix. For Host routes, it’s only an indicator that the node is 
> advertising self vs. another party, which in the case of this spec, is 
> redundant with the ‘External’ flag.
> Take care,
> Pascal
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