Hi Dale,
I will address your comments while this draft is well-synchronized with
other I2NSF YANG data model drafts.


Best Regards,

2021년 11월 29일 (월) 오전 8:03, Dale Worley via Datatracker <nore...@ietf.org>님이

> Reviewer: Dale Worley
> Review result: Ready with Issues
> I am the assigned Gen-ART reviewer for this draft. The General Area
> Review Team (Gen-ART) reviews all IETF documents being processed
> by the IESG for the IETF Chair.  Please treat these comments just
> like any other last call comments.
> For more information, please see the FAQ at
> <https://trac.ietf.org/trac/gen/wiki/GenArtfaq>.
> Document:  draft-ietf-i2nsf-nsf-monitoring-data-model-12
> Reviewer:  Dale R. Worley
> Review Date:  2021-11-28
> IETF LC End Date:  2021-12-01
> IESG Telechat date:  not known
> Summary:
>     This draft is on the right track but has open issues, described in
>     the review.  It is clear that all of these issues can be fixed
>     appropriately, but they need to be fixed before publication.
> Major issues:
> This document presents a data model for data being passed between
> various I2NSF entities.  It appears that the author has a thorough
> understanding of the I2NSF architecture and so has made various
> references to it in the document.  But since the data model definition
> does not depend on the overall architecture, the document should be
> revised to either (1) remove unnecessary references to the overall
> architecture, (2) segregate them in ways that show they are not needed
> to understand the data model, or (3) carefully referenced back to the
> documents that define them.
> There are also a few points where there seems to be technical issues
> regarding the definitions of specific data items.
> Details:
> 1.  Introduction
> Why do we have both "administrative entities" and "Security
> Controller" here, and "NSF data collector" in section 3?  Naively, I
> would expect that in regard to the definition of the data model
> presented by the "server side", all "client side" processes would be
> considered an amorphous group covered by one generic term.
> 2.  Terminology
>    This document uses the terminology described in [RFC8329].
> Given that RFC 8329 doesn't define the terminology, it would be better
> to expand on this to "This document uses the terminology described in
> [RFC8329], much of which is defined in the I2NSF terminology document
> [I2NSF-TERMS]."  Indeed, since I2NSF-TERMS is
> draft-ietf-i2nsf-terminology-05, presumably part of the same effort as
> this document, why is RFC 8329 being mentioned?
> --
> There seems to be trouble with terms used in this document.  Some of
> them are mentioned in section 2.2 of RFC 8329, which simply refers to
> I2NSF-TERMS.  Others (e.g. "I2NSF Record") seem like they should be
> listed in RFC 8329, but aren't, and seem to be entirely undefined.
> Some of those terms appear in text that may as well be omitted from
> this document.  Ideally, the specialized vocabulary in this document
> should be listed in this section and proper definitions or references
> provided for them.
> 3.  Use Cases for NSF Monitoring Data
>    *  The security administrator with I2NSF User can configure a policy
> "I2NSF User" is not listed in RFC 8329.  Also, the placement of "with
> I2NSF User" suggests that that phrase is some aspect of "security
> administrator", and you might want to say "The I2NSF User that is the
> security administrator ...".  OTOH, if "with I2NSF User" is some
> aspect of "can configure", it should probably be placed after "can
> configure".  (Is an I2NSF User a type of "user", as that word is
> normally used?)
> 4.  Classification of NSF Monitoring Data
>    This enables security administrators to assess the state of
>    the networks and in a timely fashion.
> Likely should delete "and".
>    In essence, these types of monitoring data can be leveraged to
> Probably can be simplified to "This monitoring data ...".
>    As with I2NSF components, every generic system entity can include a
>    set of capabilities that creates information about some context with
>    monitoring data (i.e., monitoring information), composition,
>    configuration, state or behavior of that system entity.
> I am sure this could be clarified if it was simplified.  I think the
> meaning is "Every system entity creates information about some context
> with defined I2NSF monitoring data, and so every entity can be an
> I2NSF component."
>    This
>    information is intended to be provided to other consumers of
>    information and in the scope of this document, which deals with NSF
>    monitoring data in an automated fashion.
> I think this means "This information is can be consumed by other I2NSF
> components."
> 4.1.  Retention and Emission
>    I2NSF Event:  I2NSF Event is defined as an important occurrence over
>       time,
> This should be "an important occurrence at a particular time,".  "over
> time" means that there is an extended period of time over which the
> event occurs, but I'm sure that I2NSF Events specify only a single
> instant for "when it happened".
>       Records can be
>       continuously processed by a system entity as an I2NSF Producer and
> Up until this point, the description of "record" could apply to any
> database system.  But I suspect that the intended semantics are that
> Records are generated at particular instants (and are unchanging
> afterward), and thus a set of records has an ordering in time based on
> when they are generated.  This is the fundamental characteristic of a
> "log file".  In particular, a database of users does not have this
> property but a database of user activities does.  If Record is
> intended to be constrained to this situation, that should be stated
> explicitly.
>    I2NSF Counter:  [...] When an NSF data collector asks for the value
>       of a counter to it, a system entity emits
> Note this sentence is incomplete in the draft.
> It might be valuable to note that an I2NSF Counter can be an integer
> approximation of a value that is actually continuous.  (All of the
> examples that are given are values that are intrinsically integers.)
> Perhaps add as the 3rd sentence "Other examples are integer
> approximations to continuous values, such as a processor temperature
> measured in tenths of a degree or the percentage of a disk that is
> used."
> Indeed, the first sentence of this paragraph says "continuous value
> changes", despite that all of the examples are integer values that
> cannot change continuously.  Perhaps a better phrasing is "a specific
> representation of an information element whose value changes very
> frequently."
>    The retention of I2NSF monitoring information listed in Section 9 may
> It seems like "in Section 9" could/should be omitted.
> 4.2.  Notifications, Events, and Records
>    In consequence, an I2NSF Event is specified to
>    trigger an I2NSF Policy Rule.  Such an I2NSF Event is defined as any
>    important occurrence over time in the system being managed, and/or in
>    the environment of the system being managed,
> This text provides two definitions of "I2NSF Event" which aren't quite
> the same.  One is "anything that triggers an I2NSF Policy Rule", a
> purely technical face.  The other is "any important occurrence over
> time", which is a human fact.  The two definitions coincide only if
> the policy rules exactly cover everything that is "important".  This
> needs to be tracked back to the source definition of "I2NSF Event" and
> these sentences revised to match it.
>    which aligns well with
>    the generic definition of Event from [RFC3877].
> Strictly, this clause says that "an I2NSF Event" "aligns well with the
> generic definition of Event", but I think you mean that the *concept*
> of an I2NSF Event aligns etc.
> 4.3.  Unsolicited Poll and Solicited Push
>    Ideally, an I2NSF User is accessing every relevant
>    information about the I2NSF Component and is emitting I2NSF Events to
>    an NSF data collector (e.g., Security Controller) in a timely manner.
> OK, what *is* the model of operations?  In this sentence, it seems
> that an "I2NSF User" is a process that accesses (by some method)
> information about (in?) an I2NSF Component, and then emits (via I2NSF
> Events) that data to an NSF data collector.  But none of that is laid
> out in the preceding sections.  Indeed "I2NSF User" is not defined,
> though here it doesn't sound like the usual definition of "user".
>    The actual mechanism
>    implemented by an I2NSF Component is out of the scope of this
>    document.
> In this sentence, it sounds like the Component is the thing that sends
> the data, whereas just above, it is the User.
>    In some
>    cases, the collection of information has to be conducted via a login
>    mechanism provided by a system entity.
> What is the use of the terms solicited, unsolicited, poll, and push
> here?  Usually, the data source is considered a "server", and the
> consumer is a "client".  If the client makes a request to the server,
> that is called "solicited" "pulling", and if it happens periodically,
> it is called "polling".  Whereas if the server initiates an
> interaction to send data, that is called "unsolicited" "pushing".
> Terminology in this draft doesn't seem to use those conventions, but
> it doesn't tell what conventions it does use.
> 5.  Basic Information Model for Monitoring Data
>    *  vendor-name: The name of the NSF vendor.
> Generally, the minimum information needed to identify how to interact
> with a device is (1) vendor name, (2) device model name/number, (3)
> software version identifier.  Vendor name alone isn't particularly
> useful.
> 6.  Extended Information Model for Monitoring Data
>    This section covers the additional information associated with the
>    system messages.
> What is "system messages"?  The term has not been defined or mentioned
> previously.  Is it a special class of "messages"?  Indeed, the term
> seems to not be used elsewhere.
>    The extended information model is only for the
>    structured data such as events, record, and counters.  Any
>    unstructured data is specified with the basic information model only.
> There has been no previous discussion of "structured"
> vs. "unstructured" data.
> --
> The final sentence of this section suggests that the dampening type
> can be set by the user of the monitoring system.  But all occurrences
> of dampening-type in the below descriptions say either
> "dampening-type: on-repetition" or "dampening-type: none", which
> implies that for each type of alarm, only a particular value of
> dampening-type is allowed.
> Also "dampening-type: none" is invalid (as it is undefined in the
> model in section 9) and "dampening-type: no-dampening" is probably
> intended.
> 6.1.1.  Memory Alarm
>    *  severity: The severity of the alarm such as critical, high,
>       medium, and low.
> "such as" implies that there may be other values, whereas section 5
> states that there are exactly 4 severities and section 9 agrees.  You
> need to decide what the rule is and align all descriptions of
> "security" data to that rule.
> 6.2.2.  Configuration Change
> Should there be components of the event that describe what change was
> made to the configuration?  The examples for "message" only
> distinguish creating a new configuration vs. modifying an existing
> configuration, but that information seems to me to be inadequate for
> any significant security monitoring.
> 6.2.3.  Session Table Event
>    The following information should be included in a Session
>    Table Event:
> Is "session table event" a known term of art?
> 6.2.4.  Traffic Flows
>    *  arrival-rate: Arrival rate of packets of the traffic flow.
> Most data for "packets per second" have a twin datum for "bytes per
> second".  Should there be an "arrival-speed" datum for traffic flows?
> 6.3.1.  DDoS Detection
>    *  attack-type: Any one of SYN flood, ACK flood, SYN-ACK flood, FIN/
>       RST flood, TCP Connection flood, UDP flood, ICMP flood, HTTPS
>       flood, HTTP flood, DNS query flood, DNS reply flood, SIP flood,
>       SSL flood, and NTP amplification flood.
> The module definition gives a fixed set of attack-types, but given
> that there are 14 described types, it seems likely that additional
> types will be defined.  Some extension mechanism needs to be used,
> either a catch-all extension type or recogition that users will define
> additional types.
>    *  end-time: The time stamp indicating when the attack ended.  If the
>       attack is still undergoing when sending out the alarm, this field
>       can be empty.
> The Yang definition seems to make this field mandatory and provide no
> null value.  Perhaps making it optional in the model is the best way
> of modeling the desired semantics.
> 6.3.2.  Virus Event
> It's not clear whether this event is for when a virus is found within
> a packet flow or for when it is found within a host system.  Are there
> two different types of virus events for these?  Or does each type use
> a subset of the fields of one common event schema?
>    *  virus: Type of the virus. e.g., trojan, worm, macro virus type.
> It seems like this datum should be named "virus-type".  Also, it seems
> unlikely that virus types form a definitive taxonomy, so this field
> should be considered less important than "virus-name" (which is likely
> to be a key into a database of known viruses).
> 6.3.3.  Intrusion Event
>    *  event-name: The name of the event. e.g., detection-intrusion.
> Why is there not a single, definitive event-name value for intrusion
> events?  Or was "i.e." meant rather than "e.g."?
>    *  raw-info: The information describing the flow triggering the
>       event.
> Given there are 8 defined fields that describe the flow, what
> additional information can raw-info contain?  Also, the semantics of
> this raw-info is different from that in 6.3.2.
> Indeed, there is some disalignment in the description of this field:
> In section 6, raw-info is listed for:
>     6.3.2 Virus Event
>     6.3.3 Intrustion event
> In section 8, raw-info is listed for:
>     i2nsf-nsf-detection-ddos
>     i2nsf-nsf-detection-virus
>     i2nsf-nsf-detection-intrusion
>     i2nsf-nsf-detection-web-attack
>     i2nsf-nsf-detection-voip-volte
> In the model in section 9, raw-info is listed as a component of:
>     i2nsf-nsf-detection-ddos
>     grouping i2nsf-nsf-event-type-content, which is used in
>         i2nsf-nsf-detection-virus
>         i2nsf-nsf-detection-intrusion
>         i2nsf-nsf-detection-web-attack
>         i2nsf-nsf-detection-voip-volte
> Only in section is raw-info described as "describing the flow
> triggering the event".
> 6.3.4.  Web Attack Event
>    *  event-name: The name of event. e.g., detection-web-attack.
> Why is there not a single, definitive event-name value for intrusion
> events?  Or was "i.e." meant rather than "e.g."?
>    *  cookies: The HTTP Set-Cookie header field of the response.
> I would think the cookies header in the request would be of more
> interest than the cookies header in the response.
> 6.3.5.  VoIP/VoLTE Event
> This event type has no event-type field.  Is that correct?
> 6.4.3.  User Activity Log
> 6.4.1 and 6.4.3 are only weakly aligned with each other, despite that
> they describe login and activities of two types of users (administrators
> and ordinary users).  Should these types be unified, or at least their
> fields compared to better align them?
> 6.7.2.  Policy Hit Counter
>    *  hit-times: The hit times that the security policy matches the
>       specified traffic.
> Given the Yang definition, I think the wording you want here is "The
> number of times that the security policy ...".
> 7.  NSF Monitoring Management in I2NSF
> It's not clear to me that any of this is needed for the definition of
> the data model.  It seems more to be a higher-level description of the
> entire I2NSF system, but the details of the data model aren't directly
> relevant to the higher-level description (as long as the data model
> provides the required fields) and that the data model isn't directly
> affected by the higher-level I2NSF system.
> 9.  YANG Data Model
>         The key words 'MUST', 'MUST NOT', 'REQUIRED', 'SHALL',
>         'NOT RECOMMENDED', 'MAY', and 'OPTIONAL' in this
>         document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14
>         (RFC 2119) (RFC 8174) when, and only when, they appear
>         in all capitals, as shown here.
> This module contains the full RFC 8174 text, but the only use of it is
> the instance of MUST in nsf-name.
> 10.  I2NSF Event Stream
>    The following example
> It seems like this should start a new paragraph.  The preceding text
> is an overview of the event stream, but the following text is a single
> example.  The example is not what I would expect; it is not an event.
> I think this text would better state the purpose:
>    The following example XML shows the capabilities of the event
>    streams generated by an NSF (e.g., "NETCONF" and "I2NSF-Monitoring"
>    event streams) for the subscription of an NSF data collector.  The
>    XML examples in this document ...
> --
>              <replayLogCreationTime>
>                2021-04-29T09:37:39+00:00
>              </replayLogCreationTime>
> It's not clear to me "2021-04-29T09:37:39+00:00" is a value that is
> applicable to all NSF event streams.
> 15.  Contributors
>    Chaehong Chung Department of Electronic, Electrical and Computer
>    Engineering Sungkyunkwan University 2066 Seo-ro Jangan-gu Suwon,
>    Gyeonggi-do 16419 Republic of Korea EMail: darkh...@skku.edu
>    [and others]
> For clarity, between the name and the affiliation should be a comma or
> dash.
> [END]
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Mr. Jaehoon (Paul) Jeong, Ph.D.
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Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Sungkyunkwan University
Office: +82-31-299-4957
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