Thanks for the quick response, Martin. I agree with all of your points below. I 
appreciate your considering my belated input.


-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Thomson <> 
Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2022 10:07 PM
To: Peter Yee <>;
Subject: Re: Genart last call review of draft-ietf-ohai-ohttp-06

Hi Peter,

You are the first to review the new revision, so thanks. contains most of the 
fixes here.

On Fri, Dec 16, 2022, at 16:37, Peter Yee via Datatracker wrote:
> Page 6, section
> 2.1, 1st bullet item: should this be “two additional regular HTTP requests”
> instead of “two regular HTTP requests”?

The typical deployment - where gateway and target are colocated - only involves 
two requests in total.  The "at least" exists here to imply that there might be 
more, though the two is a hard minimum (or minumum, I guess).

> Page 8, 3rd full paragraph (“Encoding..”), 3rd sentence: The len() 
> function doesn’t appear to be referenced anywhere else in the 
> document, at least from a cursory search. Delete the sentence if the function 
> is unneeded.

Good catch.

> Page 9, section 3.2, figure 2: Is 262140 the right number here? It’s 
> not divisible by 32. I would have thought it needed to be.

Yeah, that's a straight-up mistake; it doesn't even divide by 8.  Also, I 
realized that this doesn't define what the length field means for the 
subsequent field.  That's a big error that I'll correct separately.

> Page 17, section 5.2, 3rd paragraph, 2nd sentence: append a comma 
> after “malformed”.

I think that the rules say you don't need commas until your list has 3 items.

[PEY] Parsing error on my part.

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