Robert Sparks (13 June 2023 23:59) wrote, inter alia,
> And to make sure - you want to allow more than one / in the
> time-zone-name production, such as America/Chicago/Canaryville?

Yes, IANA time-zone names have (IIRC) no limit on how many /-separated
components (of up to 14 characters each) are used.

I note in passing that, while the 14-character limit is indeed
documented in the IANA DB's rules for names, those rules do include a
"grandfather" clause for names in use before the rules were formulated.
I haven't stopped to check whether that actually affects the grammar,
but it might be constructive to look through the IANA DB for any names
that violate the rules.

I have, also, seen some platforms violating the 14-chracter limit in
some of their idiosyncratic names for zones, notably Android has a
Canada/East-Saskatchewan zone, with a 17-character component.


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