Hi Dale,

> On Jan 29, 2024, at 2:15 PM, Dale R. Worley <wor...@ariadne.com> wrote:
> Kent Watsen <kent+i...@watsen.net> writes:
>> [...]
> All of the fixes look good to me and require no comment, except the
> following items:
>>>  Table 1: Label to RFC Mapping
>>> In -28, this caption appears visually to be the caption of both the
>>> dependency diagram at the top of page 5 and the label-to-RFC mapping
>>> table at the bottom of page 5, and so probably should be amended to
>>> describe both of them together.
>> s/Label in Diagram to RFC Mapping/Label to RFC Mapping/
>> Good enough?
> Since the title on the table in -28 already is "Label to RFC Mapping", I
> think you didn't write here what you meant.

Whoops - I had that backwards.  Was supposed to be:

        s/Label to RFC Mapping/Label in Diagram to RFC Mapping/

>>>   3.10.  The "ietf-crypto-types" YANG Module
>>> The title of this section seems to be uninformative given that 'The
>>> "ietf-crypto-types" YANG Module' is the subject of the entire
>>> document.  Is this title what was intended?
>> For the most part, yes, I see your point.
>> Maybe s/The/For the/ or s/The/Regarding the/?
>> In any case, be aware that there exists an IETF-defined template
>> for the Security Considerations section that is to be used for each
>> YANG module defined in a draft.  So, if a draft defines the three
>> modules: ietf-foo-common, ietf-foo-client, and ietf-foo-server, the
>> Security Considerations section contains the three subsections:
>>       The "ietf-foo-common" YANG Module
>>       The "ietf-foo-client" YANG Module
>>       The "ietf-foo-server" YANG Module
>> Each containing an instance of the template for that YANG module.
> Ah, yes, and having this section hierarchy:
>    Security Considerations
>        The "ietf-foo-common" YANG Module
>        The "ietf-foo-client" YANG Module
>        The "ietf-foo-server" YANG Module
> is quite clear. ... Even setting the title of the section to
> "3.10. Security considerations for the the "ietf-crypto-types" YANG
> Module" reads oddly as a subsection of "Security
> considerations". ... What you *mean* is "RFC 8407 security
> considerations section template", but that's too long.  Perhaps
> "Security considerations template"?  "Template for the
> "ietf-crypto-types" YANG Module"?

Now says "Template for the "ietf-crypto-types" YANG Module” (in all nine drafts)

> And there's an oddity that although 3.10 is the instantiated template
> from RFC 8407/BCP 216 section 3.7.1, the draft doesn't reference RFC
> 8407/BCP 216.  Could you add e.g. [RFC 8407] as a reference at the very
> beginning of 3.10?

I added the following sentence to the top of each such section (in all nine 

    <t>This section follows the template defined in <xref section="3.7.1" 

>>>  Some of the readable data nodes defined in this YANG module may be
>>>  considered sensitive or vulnerable in some network environments.  It
>>>  is thus important to control read access (e.g., via get, get-config,
>>>  or notification) to these data nodes.  These are the subtrees and
>>>  data nodes and their sensitivity/vulnerability:
>>> The use of "These" in the last sentence does not have an unambiguous
>>> referent as I read it.  Perhaps "These subtrees/data nodes have these
>>> particular sensitivities/vulnerabilities:"  Similar considerations
>>> apply to the last sentence of:
>>>  Some of the operations in this YANG module may be considered
>>>  sensitive or vulnerable in some network environments.  It is thus
>>>  important to control access to these operations.  These are the
>>>  operations and their sensitivity/vulnerability:
>> This text comes from the aforementioned template.  That said, I agree
>> that it's not great.  Perhaps, even better, "*The following* subtrees and
>> data nodes have particular sensitivities/vulnerabilities"?
> Yes, your version is clearer.

Fixed (in all nine drafts)

>  (And the template should be updated that
> way, too!)

Maybe you can file an Errata against RFC 8407?

> Dale

PS: edits are in my local copy - not published yet…


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