On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 7:09 PM, Sarah Stierch <sarah.stie...@gmail.com> wrote:
> To be honest, I have a terribly low selfesteem when it comes to my work in
> Wikimedia - whether it's thinking I should apply for a job or fellowship, or
> it's applying for an admin position, or just speaking up in certain topics.
> I feel that I'm not tech savvy enough, and it's really intimidating since so
> much of the culture is based around that. It's also intimidating, in
> general.

I think you'd make a darned fine admin, and would be glad to support
you. We need more than just the technogeeks; indeed, virtually ZERO of
what I do as an admin is technogeekery.

> Just like any other geek world - whether it's playing online RPGs
> (yes, I've dabbled a bit) or having acquaintances who do society for
> creative anarchonism (aka play dress up like dungeons and dragons
> characters)

I'm a historian by training, and can assure you that the Society for
Creative Anachronism is NOT about dressing up like D & D characters.
(I've only been in the S.C.A. for 40 years now, and playing D&D for

Michael J. "Orange Mike" Lowrey
a/k/a Lord Inali of Tanasi, G.D.H.

"When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left, I buy food
and clothes."
     --  Desiderius Erasmus

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