I do sympathize with Migdia and, particularly as a new participant in WMF
projects, it probably did not occur to her that communication related to
most aspects of most projects is public by default.

At the same time, it does seem to be clear that there was public access to
archives at least.

If I may suggest, several of the interface statements including pages where
one requests posting access and the email confirming subscription should
probably emphasize that this mailing list is publicly available, may be
mirrored on other sites, and any posts a person makes will be searchable on
most major search engines.  I'd encourage stating bluntly that once a post
is made, it should be considered to be publicly and widely available on the
internet, and that it will not be deleted or removed.

At the same time, I'd like to encourage everyone on the list to give
serious thought to actively trimming your posts, limiting inclusion to only
the segments of posts you're responding to rather than a long chain of
prior posts.  (Yes, I'm probably as guilty as anyone else on this point.)
If nothing else, it's good mailing list etiquette, and reduces the number
of posts that are bounced to the moderation queue because of length.


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