
I assume you're the list moderator? Then you should be able to decide who
joins/stays on/posts on the list, and not have to resort to rants such at
this one.


On Mon, Dec 26, 2011 at 9:41 AM, Sarah Stierch <>wrote:

> And one think is discuss something - even when people have different
> opinion than yours, another completely different is play the "*poor me,
> nothing I do is good*" every time someone has a criticism against your
> work.
> I know I'm going to regret this, but, I can't be quiet anymore.
> I apologize to this ENTIRE mailing list for this drama erupting, and I'm
> going to be sending gender gap-l into my "special file" until my heart rate
> goes down. If people want to talk to me, they can find me on IRC or in
> private email, today.
> ---
> Beria, you're passive aggressive bullying behavior has reached my level of
> tolerance. I was going to email you privately, but, I decided against that,
> as *you* like to publicly share your feelings with the community,
> including specific people publicly.
> I have previously stated it, the last thing I wish to do is flood the list
> with things that are of no benefit or interest to the community. If me
> feeling bad about doing that is a bad then, so be it, I'm just sick and
> tired of you repeatedly reminding me of how I'm doing something wrong, and
> your declaration of "no one giving a fuck" about what you have to say
> because you aren't a fellow or you aren't a staff member is equally passive
> aggressive. I *worked* my butt off for this fellowship, and a fellowship
> with WMF is something I have been exploring and trying to develop for
> almost two years now. I'm honored to have it, beyond words. Anyone can
> apply to be a fellow Beria, and passively declaring that no one cares about
> you because you aren't paid, is just a mean slap in the face of everyone
> who works hard at WMF and as volunteers. And remember, there are chapter
> people who get paid to do their jobs, also.
> And this isn't just about me - you've done it to a lot of people. People I
> consider friends and colleagues, and people I don't even know well.
> I'm tired of having to worry about the things I post on this list,
> Internal-L, and Foundation-L, being to your disapproval. I'm also tired of
> the "monthly wait for what Beria will say to someone that will cause drama
> on a mailing list" situation. While I'm sure others greatly appreciate your
> attitude, I don't, and others do not as well. Your behavior and bullying
> (which is defined here: makes me
> have little to desire to participate in mailing list discussions, and even
> *less* desire to even consider attending a conference that you are
> co-planning. Which is something, civility, we touch on here on this mailing
> list, as being a deterrent for people wanting to participate in projects.
> This isn't the first time that I've actively, *and* publicly asked you to
> stop behaving like this.
> The goal of this list isn't to just "talk" about wanting to make changes,
> it's about making changes. Whether they are online, in any language
> project, or offline, through outreach, programming, edit-a-thons, and
> whatnot. I talk my talk and I walk my walk, and I know others here do too
> (and I try to share those projects when they are brought to my attention).
> And if me being "too sensitive" or me "caring too much" or "me being paid"
> is a deterrent to us moving the meter (aka closing the gap) then I guess
> I'm the worst representative for the gender gap movement.
> Beria - I'm not going to argue with you about this, I'm not going to ask
> you to ever like me, be my bestfriend, or make an exception. I just want
> you to stop bullying me, others, and learn how your words affects others
> before you type them. I can handle criticism, when it's constructive. Not
> when it's rude, insensitive, unprofessional and at times attacking.
> *and on another note, regarding language:
> *
> I only share what I know, and sadly, I have a permanent off switch in my
> head that makes it tough for me to learn other languages (and no, Google
> Translate does not count as quality accessibility), so when I can only talk
> for English Wikipedia, I only post about English Wikipedia. We've never
> called this list an English only list, I encourage people to participate in
> all languages, so please, please please do.
> I apologize to everyone for making this a big freaking mess, but, I'm
> tired of this. Absolutely tired of it. Tired to the point where I have had
> trouble sleeping - I mean what the hell is that about?
> Sarah
> --
> *Sarah Stierch*
> *Wikimedia Foundation Community Fellow*
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> >>today<>
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