On 4/4/12 3:47 AM, Gillian White wrote:

Hello all,

Following on from recent WP editing workshops in Queensland (see/This Month in GLAM/ http://outreach.wikimedia.org/wiki/GLAM/Newsletter/March_2012/Contents/Australia_and_New_Zealand_report), I wanted to write about it before I forgot. I am posting here because the workshop participants were women and leading the sessions brought to mind my earlier experience gained over many years of teaching and training adults.

Hi Gillian! As always, thanks for your great insight. As someone who works at a GLAM and is in a museum studies program (an educational program that is 80% women around the country), I've been quite familiar with the "opposite" gender gap - more women than men. I'm really really glad you and Liam were able to travel to Queensland (enjoyed his photo blog!) and even happier that you shared your experiences with us. But, many of the reasons you cited are also the struggles on getting women involved in from those arenas - the hierarchy of the cultural makeup, privacy, etc. So these tips and thoughts are really valuable.

I know Carol Moore has been gathering documentation about training [1] and I think this would be a good addition for that!


[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Workshop

*Sarah Stierch*
*/Wikimedia Foundation Community Fellow/*
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