Hello Everyone :-)

I'm writing to extend an invitation to people interested in increasing
female participation in Wikimedia Foundation projects to join the
discussion about creating a Funds Dissemination Committee.


The purpose of the FDC will be to make recommendations to the Wikimedia
Foundation Board of Trustees for funding activities and initiatives in
support of the mission goals of the Wikimedia movement.

It would be great to have people from this mailing list chime in to
decrease the likelihood of adding systemic bias to the fund dissemination
process. Also, since one of the Strategic Planning goals is to encourage
diversity, a review of the plan from people on this list will be helpful to
make sure we are putting a process in place that is friendly towards a
variety of populations of people.

The Fund Dissemination Committee Advisory Group is meeting next week to
finalize our recommendations, so it would be good to hear comments right

Sydney Poore
Gendergap mailing list

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