
Something very cool has begun to happen in Sweden. Since 
the largest daily newspaper wrote about the Ada Lovelace editathon 
 we have seen a buzz in the social media. 

A Swedish non-profit, 
Rättviseförmedlingen (the Fairness Bureau), which is devoted to making 
it easier for media to find female experts, have endorsed it 
 which so far has been shared several dozen times on Facebook. That has 
also inspired other to send out invites to women across the internet. 
One example is this invite:


It has been sent out to 4,500 persons, mostly women, and so far 593 have 
accepted the invitation. 

 to give you some perspective: according to the statistics 
(http://stats.wikimedia.org/EN/TablesWikipediansEditsGt5.htm), there are
 about 800 active users (+5 edits) this month on Swedish Wikipedia. So, 
potentially, women could out-edit men on that day!

Best wishes,

Lennart Guldbrandsson

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