It's kind of sad she has to start to by making statements that could be calculated to tarnish one group of skeptics; it's as if to say, I can sling insults as good as the next guy, so don't sling them at me, sling them at those other guys. Weird...

On 10/24/2012 11:49 PM, Daniel and Elizabeth Case wrote:
In the parallel-issues department, here's an interesting narrative in /Slate/ by Rebecca Watson about the experiences of herself and other women with sexism offline and on in the skeptic/atheist community.
Among other things, her WP article has been vandalized (I won't link to diffs ... anyone interested can look through the history). I daresay that it makes Reddit, even in the wake of the Violentacrez reporting, look not so bad.
It has also drawn a lot more comments than the typical /Slate/ article.
Daniel Case

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