
I am writing a short (1500 word) text for the journal of current cultural 
research, Culture Unbound (http://www.cultureunbound.ep.liu.se/index.html), to 
be published in April. The topic touches quite heavily on the gendergap issue. 
I have tried to find any numbers on whether the initiatives - editathons, 
Teahouse, etc - have made any dent in the numbers. Are there any such numbers 
or have I simply fantasized about it?

Since they want the text soon, please respond soon. Any assistance is greatly 

Best wishes,

Lennart Guldbrandsson

070 - 207 80 05
http://www.elementx.se - arbete
http://www.mrchapel.wordpress.com - personlig blogg

@aliasHannibal - på Twitter

"Tänk dig en värld där varje människa på den här planeten får fri tillgång till 
världens samlade kunskap. Det är vårt mål."

Jimmy Wales                                       
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