On 6/24/2014 4:02 PM, Kevin Gorman wrote:
If there is a problematic situation that the list moderators have missed (which are currently me, Sue Gardner - who tends to be busy enough to not be an active moderator, and Liz Kent,) I would encourage anyone concerned about it to bring it to our direct attention by emailing one of us individually, or by emailing gendergap-ow...@lists.wikimedia.org <mailto:gendergap-ow...@lists.wikimedia.org>, which will email all three of us. If you are interested in becoming a moderator, I'd also invite you to email us - unfortunately, since Cynthia passed, we're down one moderator from where we normally are.
I do encourage another woman to volunteer who can encourage women to speak out and not let guys get out of line as in 2012ish period. I'm a bit too ... too... myself, so best I merely post.... : - )

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