Risker wrote:
I also have a real problem with the idea of anonymous reporting

What issues do you have with anonymous reporting? On my forum I have reporting wide open to the world, no login/membership needed. Aside from spambots that can find any link, mostly what I've seen is more biased reporting: Posters will report transgressions by someone they don't like. In most cases, it is a real transgression and something that needs cleaning up. There are a few who narrowly interpret the rules (or make up their own), but those are usually pretty obvious.

The only question on seeing obvious bias would be could it scale. You might need a database of notes from prior decisions, or maybe a trial period of watching other decisions for new adjudicators.

Many of our most seriously problematic sockpuppeting accounts are people who've 
been blocked for behavioural reasons - and we waste a huge amount of time 
trying to keep them off the site.

I definitely agree with this. Is there any way to track cellphone users? Their variable IP addresses are as bad as the old AOL days.


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