Note that they have changed it from original "five feminists banned" to more accurate account. I see some other reports on Guardian article also updated their versions.

Also, I just got around to replying to Slate article writing the below. I'm sure the trashers will immediately reply as they did last time.

CM wrote:

Wikipedia’s Gender Gap task force arbitration (decided in December 2014) and the more recent "Gamergate" arbitration are strikingly similar in that both cases involve harassment by a gang of males opposed to what they considered “feminist” influences, in Wikipedia and in the coverage of “Gamergate” on Wikipedia. In both cases, these “gangs” aggressively assaulted the ideas and individuals they considered to be feminist. In the first case, those whose goal was promoting greater female participation in the Wikipedia community, including through asking for more a more civil environment; in the second those whose goal was making sure the Wikipedia article properly reflected the major media’s reporting on Gamergate, which happened to be supportive of harassed women.

Some individuals involved in the Gender Gap task force admitted being feminists. Those opposing the imposition of the Gamergate view point on the article were defacto acting to advance the feminist cause, even if they don't consider themselves feminists.

The predominantly male Arbitrators in both cases made it clear that heavy duty harassment of individuals perceived as feminists is a minor crime compared to anyone, feminist or otherwise, strongly opposing such harassment. In their final decisions, they site banned two supporters of the Gender Gap task force and only wrist slapped the harassers; a few weeks later they topic banned those who protested massive sock puppetry and/or harassment by Gamergaters while showing little concern for the harassment that provoked protest.

That’s why many believe that the Wikipedia Arbitration Committee is institutionalizing harassment of women especially on Wikipedia. Some feminists have written that the primary value of patriarchy is to allow males to prove their manhood through incivility, putting down women and ultimately violence. In sanctioning those who stand up to such bad behavior, the Arbitration committee reveals its patriarchal and anti-woman mind set.

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