On Tue, 27 Feb 2018, at 12:09 PM, j...@apache.org wrote:
> Hi
> > On 26 Feb 2018, at 21:07, PJ Fanning <fannin...@yahoo.com.INVALID> wrote:
> > 
> > Hi,There is general interest in the Apache POI PMC and general Contributor 
> > community in forming a new PMC for Apache XMLBeans. POI has a dependency on 
> > XMLBeans and there are some fixes that we would like to apply to 
> > XMLBeans.Some of the discussion appears in these threads.
> > http://apache-poi.1045710.n5.nabble.com/publishing-poi-xmlbeans-jars-td5730234.html
> > POI - Dev - [DISCUSS] Getting a fixed version of XMLBeans
> > POI - Dev - XMLBeans in 4.0.0 release
> > If we can get 3 or more people to form a new XMLBeans PMC, would it be 
> > feasible to reopen the XMLBeans svn for new commits?
> As far as I have understood (others with more knowledge, might want to 
> confirm or correct me), a project cannot “just” be activated again.
> What you can do easily is one of two possibilities:
> - Clone the project to a new project, which then have its own life. If 
> you want to do this within ASF, you need to follow the rules for 
> creating a new TLP.
> - Copy the project into POI (keep it as a separate directory etc). This 
> can be done without any paperwork at all, you just need to put a short 
> text in the release notes of POI. The advantage here is you can change 
> whatever you want, the disadvantage (if that is a disadvantage) is that 
> you cannot make a XMLBeans release.
> I recommend simply copy the source files into POI.

Yes, I would say that even if a project were to be resuscitated with the same 
name, if it is a new team, it is a new community, and therefore the rules 
covering a new TLP would apply - requiring some justification as to why should 
the ASF consider this particular team to be ready to run a project.

Unless XMLBeans is needed for more than POI, I would go with Jan's second 
suggestion - just import the code and get on with life :-)


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