On Tue, 26 Mar 2019 at 13:21, Henk P. Penning <penn...@uu.nl> wrote:
> On Mon, 25 Mar 2019, Shane Curcuru wrote:
> > Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2019 22:58:29 +0000
> > From: Shane Curcuru <a...@shanecurcuru.org>
> > To: general@attic.apache.org
> > Subject: Attic projects Moin wikis are going away
> >
> > Per Infra, the Moin wiki.apache.org system is going away in May.  That
> > means a lot of older wikis will be deleted (i.e. gone from our servers).
> >
> > Are there any attic'd projects that had notable content on their old
> > wiki that anyone wants to try to preserve?
> >
> > A partial list of wikis going away (i.e. ones that people cared enough
> > about when created to manually list them on FrontPage) are:
> >
> >  https://wiki.apache.org/general/FrontPage
>    In attic I see :
>      site/xdocs/projects/avalon.xml:    <moin/>
>      site/xdocs/projects/devicemap.xml:    <moin/>
>      site/xdocs/projects/harmony.xml:      <moin/>
>      site/xdocs/projects/hivemind.xml:    <moin/>
>      site/xdocs/projects/lucy.xml:  <moin/>
>      site/xdocs/projects/rave.xml:    <moin/>
>      site/xdocs/projects/shale.xml:    <moin/>
>      site/xdocs/projects/stdcxx.xml:    <moin/>
>    [ the '<moin/>'s generate refs to wiki.apache.org ]
>    It would be easy to dump the HTML-content somewhere with :
>      wget -r -np -l100 http://wiki.apache.org/avalon/
>      wget -r -np -l100 http://wiki.apache.org/devicemap/
>      ...
>      wget -r -np -l100 http://wiki.apache.org/stdcxx/
>    Avalon is only 9 MB ; I haven't tried the others.

Doesn't this also capture all the Help pages in all languages and
various system pages?

I think it would also be useful to capture the raw and possibly also info pages.

Also attachments potentially.

>    To show them online would require some work :
>    -- internal refs are like "/avalon/...." ;
>       so it would only work in httpd vhost ;
>    -- re-add style sheets etc
>    -- add caveats etc

Alternatively/additionally, the pages could perhaps be migrated to CWiki.
That would solve the display issue and hopefully attachments etc.

> > - Shane
>    Regards,
>    HPP
> ------------------------------------------------------------   _
> Henk P. Penning, ICT-beta                 R Uithof MG-403    _/ \_
> Faculty of Science, Utrecht University    T +31 30 253 4106 / \_/ \
> Leuvenlaan 4, 3584CE Utrecht, NL          F +31 30 253 4553 \_/ \_/
> http://www.staff.science.uu.nl/~penni101/ M penn...@uu.nl     \_/
> > --
> >
> >  Not On The Attic PMC
> >  The Apache Software Foundation
> >

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