I've created a PR [1] which is intended to do the same for the
Confluence Wiki as as the flagged directory entries do for retired

The idea is that there is an ATTIC Wiki, under which the Attic project
can create dummy pages. If the dummy page matches the name of a
retired Wiki, then an output filter is added, and a banner is added to
the page before delivery.

For example:

Sqoop has retired, so I created the page:


Once the PR is approved, it should result in a banner being added to pages under


[N.B. The banner is not added yet, as the PR has not been applied!]

If this works OK, then adding the banner will just be a matter of
creating a suitable page under the ATTIC Wiki.

[1] https://github.com/apache/infrastructure-p6/pull/789 (requires karma)

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