If you will, please post a summary of the meeting to the site. I think 
those that don't attend would like to be kept informed. Thanks!

Regards, Dustin

At 04:13 AM 3/26/2002 -0800, you wrote:
>Sure, let's do an April meeting.
>I'd like to have us have a serious discussion and
>decide upon a course of action such as a petition
>signing concerning the CBDTPA ( Consumer Broadband and
>Digital Television Promotion Act). I'm not trying to
>cry the sky is falling, but some pundits say that free
>and open source software (Linux) could be made illegal
>or at least put under government regulation if the
>bill is passed.
>"No more than two years and seven months after the
>bill becomes law, the only code programmers and
>software firms will be able to distribute must have
>embedded copy-protection schemes approved by the
>federal government."
>"Legal experts said on Friday that the CBDTPA
>regulates nearly any program, in source or object
>code, that runs on a PC or anything else with a
>and finally:
>"If the CBDTPA were to be enacted, American developers
>would be sharply restricted in their ability to
>collaborate with their counterparts overseas. In a
>worst-case interpretation, for instance, the CBDTPA
>means that only pre-ban versions of the Linux
>operating system could legally be sold inside U.S.
>I personally think we should all take a good look at:
>http://www.eff.org/IP/SSSCA_CBDTPA/ and follow their
>suggested courses of action. If you are not aware of
>it, Sen. John Breaux is  a co-sponsor of the bill. I'm
>not sure what the best action to take now is, but
>let's put our heads together and do something about
>If you don't think something like this can pass, I
>have 4 letters for you: DMCA
>(http://www.eff.org/IP/DMCA/). It passed and is now a
>John Hebert
>--- Dustin Puryear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm not sure what is going on. I'm just too busy
> > this semester to
> > effectively organize these meetings. I think John H.
> > was interested in
> > keeping the April meeting, but I haven't heard back
> > about a planned topic.
> > Also, I have no idea about the status of the parking
> > passes.
> >
> > Regards, Dustin "What am I good for?" Puryear
> >
> >
> > At 08:08 PM 3/25/2002 -0600, you wrote:
> > >Hash: SHA1
> > >
> > >After having just taken a look at the website, I
> > noticed that the subject
> > >matter for the upcoming meeting is still listed as
> > "TBA".  Are plans
> > >finalized such that we are definitely having a
> > meeting?  Have parking
> > >arrangements been taken care of?  Thanks.
> > >
> > >- -K
> > >
> > >-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
> > >Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
> > >Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org
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> > >tZ0AmgMIrLtZrxywpIR8Oe8ur0jTSlxo
> > >=iL7O
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> > >================================================
> > >BRLUG - The Baton Rouge Linux User Group
> > >Visit http://www.brlug.net for more information.
> > >Send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] to change
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> >
> > ---
> > Dustin Puryear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Information Systems Contractor
> > http://members.telocity.com/~dpuryear
> > PGP Key available at http://www.us.pgp.net
> > In the beginning the Universe was created.
> > This has been widely regarded as a bad move. -
> > Douglas Adams
> >
> > ================================================
> > BRLUG - The Baton Rouge Linux User Group
> > Visit http://www.brlug.net for more information.
> > Send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] to change
> > your subscription information.
> > ================================================
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Dustin Puryear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Information Systems Contractor
PGP Key available at http://www.us.pgp.net
In the beginning the Universe was created.
This has been widely regarded as a bad move. - Douglas Adams

BRLUG - The Baton Rouge Linux User Group
Visit http://www.brlug.net for more information.
Send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] to change
your subscription information.

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