Here, here! Since when was fun declared irrational? If
mirth be seditious, then I am a criminal!

John Hebert

--- Shawn Hudson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Some people from GameLAN called the police on Doug
> and I for "disturbing 
> the peace" and "destroying property."  
> I might have damaged their minds when I did a
> headstand on the little 
> couch/chair they have in there, but other than that,
> nothing broken. 
>  Mayhaps, Deacon Doctor Douglas disturbed the
> time-space continuum when 
> he danced a jig around the room and laughed.  
> In any case, I apologize if our antics offended
> anyone that is on this 
> group.  Lighten up, GameLAN!   There are only so
> many chances a man gets 
> to act like a fool.  If you pass them up, you've
> failed yourself, and God.  
> > GameLAN has plenty of room, computers, interntet
> connections and parking.
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