On Wed, 2004-08-18 at 21:38, Kory Wnuk wrote:

> I too am behind a firewall (software).  My router is between my cable modem 
> and PC.  What is the MUTE.log telling you that is going on?  A thought!  I 
> added some stuff to webHostCaches.ini in the settings subdirectory.  This is 
> what I added:
> http://mute-net.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/perlgcache.cgi
> http://mute-cache.endoftheinternet.org/gwcii.php
> http://mute-cache1.endoftheinternet.org/gwcii.php
> http://mute2-cache.endoftheinternet.org/gcache.php
> http://mute-cache3.endoftheinternet.org/gcache.php
> I did get MUTE working before adding the above.
> - -K
> P.S.  MUTE takes a few minutes to connect to other nodes.  Afterwards 
> searches 
> work pretty well.

I added that same stuff to my ini file as well. I decided to try it
again this evening and rather than launch the program from my desktop
shortcut, I opened a console and did ./fileSharingMUTE and its working!
Not sure why, but it is. Pretty cool application. 


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