Christian Tortorich wrote:

>I would suggest the possibility that what gets passed down as
>programmers underestimating the complexity of the problem is in fact a
>clever disguise for mismanagement of the project. Programmers pretty
>much do what the requirements say, don't you think? I know we have all
>felt the problem of vague, not well thought out requirements that the
>programmer/sysadmin/drone must make a best guess at.
Generally you can pick up on management problems as being the source of 
failures when the project direction starts to change in mid-project - 
for instance: you're told that the project will not require any printer 
support and then, when shown the first beta, they ask "So, how do I get 
a hard copy of this?"

It's easy to assign blame in that example, but try this one:  An 
application is designed to generate and print graphical data and store 
the results in a database - when finished it works as advertised but 
after more than 30 results are stored in the database, the data 
retrieval times stretch into minutes over a network... this is not 
discovered until a month after the product has been released.

Is this a management/specification issue because network access times 
were not specified?  Or should the programmer have tested the database 
with more than half a dozen datasets?

The temptation is to say that the first problem is a management issue, 
and that the second is a programming issue but I would suggest that they 
are both programming issues.  A smart programmer would have built 
printer support into the app to start off with (disabled, but there just 
in case), and in the second example, should have generated a large test 
database even though management only provided a small dataset to work with.

This, in my mind is the difference between an $8/hr job and a $40/hr job 
- and yes, these are all real-life examples.

 I am a computer . . . I am dumber than any human and smarter than any 

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