John Hebert wrote:

>I agree with Dustin that open source software is
>usually buggy, _but_ it is usually described that way.
>All software is buggy, but rarely does closed source
>software describe itself that way.
>In fact, the nature of open source is that users are
>expected to debug it. Maybe this is where Andrew's
>confusion comes from: he expects open source to be the
>same quality as closed source, but does not realize
>that it is a group effort to make it the same quality.
I think that I look at it differently - I expect bugs in any early 
version, close source or not.  I probably tend to use the more mature 
Open Source apps (since I work mainly in a Windows environment) but I'm 
pretty intolerant of any program that I regard as unusable/unstable.

I do think that there's a good argument that commercial applications 
should be held to a higher standard - if you're going to charge someone 
money for the software then it should work as advertised and bugs should 
be fixed quickly.

 Why is 'abbreviation' such a long word?

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