Linux and the open source movement has a jillion implementations of every kind 
of software you can imagine. Take a gander at freshmeat or sourceforge and 
you'll see what I mean. This is because people are free to write software, 
and they do it, no matter whether it's needed or not :-)

Having said that, Linux is about choices. Don't like RedHate? Try Debian. Or 
Gentoo, SuSE, Slack, LFS, or... (see distrowatch). Don't like Gnome? Maybe 
KDE, Enlightenment or TWM is for you.

My point is this: there are enough software choices available to please just 
about everyone. Everyone is free to use what they feel works best for them. 
If someone thinks they have to run down someone else because of their choice 
in software, that person is a fool and will lose friends quickly.

For instance, it's a known fact that I don't like Red Hat, and I have a number 
of reasons for my opinion. However, if someone chooses to use it, for 
whatever reason, I am cool with their choice. I'm not going to abuse them, no 
matter how many faults I see in their chosen distro, nor now dumb I think 
their decision is. In fact, if they ask me for help with it, I'll gladly give 
them whatever assistance I can.

The advice I always give at NOLUG is to pick some software you like and LEARN 
IT, and don't let anyone give you any grief over your choice.

Joey Kelly
< Minister of the Gospel | Linux Consultant >

"I may have invented it, but Bill made it famous."
 --- David Bradley, the IBM employee that invented CTRL-ALT-DEL
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From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Mon Jul  4 15:13:56 2005
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew Baudouin)
Date: Mon Jul  4 15:12:59 2005
Subject: [brlug-general] eclipse madness

Will Hill wrote:

>On Monday 04 July 2005 10:33 am, Andrew Baudouin wrote:
>>>>Vi wins the award for most unusable interface for an editor.....ever.
>>>That's not true.  Like any good tool, it takes getting used to but it's
>>>well thought out and works.  Using hjkl for motion is a great idea, so
>>>modes are a good idea.  You never have to take your fingers off the home
>>>keys.  Konqueror has adopted this too and this plus a nipple keyboard
>>>pointer is an extremely easy to use interface.  Once a few basics are
>>>grasped, vi is a powerful and fast editor. As you learn to use it, you
>>>learn regular expressions.
>>I don't need the functionality it has, so I don't need to use an editor
>>that I cannot figure out how to use without opening it
>What exactly are you trying to express or learn?  You seem to be saying that 
>you don't have the patience to learn how to learn a tool, so the tool sucks, 
>you don't want to hear about it.   \
I simply said "I should not have to read a manpage to use an editor", 
then it snowballed from there, starting with Joey Kelly's post giving me 
some features of VI that I dont' need.  Has nothing to do with whether 
the tool sucks or not.  I think the original statement stands alone and 
is really not worthy of further discussion.  Some of you disagree, and 
that's fine.

>Whatever, I don't have the time to build 
>Gentoo, so I use apt.   I'll never say Gentoo is a waste of time or has the 
>worst install interface ever or is the exclusive provance of Linux elitists.  
>That would make me look asinine.
Maybe, but that doesn't make the statement incorrect. 

>There are plenty of fine editors if you want them.  Outside of the command 
>line, there's gnome-edit, kate, kwrite and others that make commercial 
>offerings, like notepad, look featureless, stale and difficult.  

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