On Saturday July 16 2005 00:36, Adam J. Hogan spake:
> I am a relatively new user (about six months) in BR.  I now it's popular
> to call this kind of user group a LUG, but was wondering why you have
> chosen to neglect the GNU operating system in naming the group.

It sure didn't take you long to fall in with the wrong crowd, did it? Lemme 
guess, you run GNU/Debian, right?

Linus Torvalds (you know, the guy that wrote Linux) gets offended when RMS 
tries to push that "GNU/" nonsense, so you might take a hint. Linus calls it 
Linux. IBM, Oracle, Novell, Microsoft, SCO, NYSE, NASA, and every other 
company and organization of note calls it Linux. Several countries (Germany 
India, Israel, China, etc.) call it Linux. Every distribution save Debian 
calls it Linux, to my knowledge. There are probably zero "GNU/Linux User 
Groups" in existence.

I am all for free software. I've written several applications that were 
released under the GPL. As a frequent Linux + OSS lecturer, I often warn 
people of the dangers of writing or using non-free software (anyone remember 
the appgen fiasco?). However, when someone starts insisting that I prepend 
"GNU/" to the name of my beloved Linux operating system, it really annoys me.

Joey Kelly
< Minister of the Gospel | Linux Consultant >

"I may have invented it, but Bill made it famous."
 --- David Bradley, the IBM employee that invented CTRL-ALT-DEL
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From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Sat Jul 16 12:58:08 2005
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Will Hill)
Date: Sat Jul 16 12:57:39 2005
Subject: [brlug-general] GNU/Linux User Group?
References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Exactly.  So why create confusion with a name change?

On Saturday 16 July 2005 12:18 pm, Scott Harney wrote:
> BRLUG or BRG/LUG? ?Whatever. ?It's just not that big a deal in my book.

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