On Fri, 30 Mar 2007, Andrew Baudouin wrote:

> Not that I like it, but if it is indeed true that Dells w/ Linux cost more
> than identical Windows configurations, then that can be directly traced back

It doesn't make sense, hardware is hardware.  But yes I have bought the XP 
box before after looking at the Dell N-series box, cause the XP box was 
either $100 cheaper or came with a free 17" LCD.  When it came in, i just 
put linux on it.

> I wouldn't be surprised if MS makes all of its money off of corporate and
> education licensing and has since written off the consumer business.

Maybe the corporate side, but they don't make any money from education. 
Education pricing, i can get Win2k3 server R2 standard, 5 cal, for about 
$120.  Same thing at cdw.com costs $960.  It certainly does help our 
budget, but something just seems wrong about it.  Most vendors give a 
10%-45% edu discount.  MS gives us an 88% discount.  Go figure.

Ray DeJean                                       http://www.r-a-y.org
Systems Engineer                    Southeastern Louisiana University
IBM Certified Specialist              AIX Administration, AIX Support

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