Oh I see, I must have been thinking of RockLinux. Sounds good, except that I 
do not have the servers to distribute it from and I do have not used Gentoo.

----------------------------------------> Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2007 22:19:07 
-0500> From: gentooman at gmail.com> To: general at brlug.net> Subject: Re: 
[brlug-general] new Distro>> Patrick,> Your do not distribute a Gentoo system. 
You are simply using the distribution> to build your own distribution. You 
could use anything else really> but Gentoo is designed for this purpose.>> You 
compile the entire system with the options of your choosing such as> target 
architecture or kde support, just like Debian does. Then you distribute> the 
binary packages. It will proabably install much faster than just about> any 
distro that compiles more generic options options since the tarballs will be> 
smaller without doubt; the optional code such as gnome and kde support simply> 
does not exist. An it should not if nobody is ever going to use gnome or kde 
in> such a system.>> You will need a server to distribute the packages and 
hopefully,> the whole world will want the distribution so a hell of a lot of> 
bandwith will be a must.>> I once recompiled the OS of an Unix based appliance. 
The installation process> used to take about 25-30 minutes. It is now down to 
12-15 minutes. This> was not done with Gentoo but rather FreeBSD ports system 
but the concept> is exactly the same.>> I hope that clarifies my earlier 
statement.>> take care,>> Alvaro Zuniga>> Patrick P wrote:>>>> We ll we did not 
want to go with a system that required everything to be compiled during 
installation as that would take waay to long to suit the average user on an 
older system. Debian will boot on a 486 and our system as it is put together 
now uses 55Mb of RAM until you start opening packages. It hass been considered 
to compile the packages for each processor, but we are not doing that in the 
beginning due to time and bandwidth constraints. Debian does not provide 
architecture specific compilation so we would need our own system of ftp 
mirrors for everyone to install the operating system. At the moment everything 
is installed from the Debian mirror system. The functionality we are trying to 
provide is that of a workststin, along with some multimedia apps for those who 
want them.>> 
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