On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 10:00 AM, michael dolan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've got a small local business, and twice a month we send out an email to
> our customers announcing sales, specials, etc.  Just to be clear, this is in
> no way spam.  It is 100% opt-in, and I make it really easy for people to be
> removed.

Even with it being opt-in and having easy removal, you probably want
to think about where you send from.  I can't remember where I saw this
lately, but folks that send opt-in messages are getting nailed by
google/yahoo/etc. from people clicking the "this is spam" buttons when
they decide they don't want to receive their opted-in email anymore.
This can result in the domain or MX being blacklisted.

I'll have to think about it for a while and see if I can remember
where the thread or reference is.  So, you may want to set up a
specific domain for your newsletter just in case.

> The only way people can currently get on the list is to physically
> write their name and email address on a sheet of paper in the store, or
> email us from the account they want added.  We do not offer anything other
> than the information contained in the emails in return for the address (we
> don't offer a discount for "members" or anything like that).  We never
> require an email address (or even ask for one) for any sort of transaction.
> Right now, I'm managing the list by hand, but the list has grown to around
> 1000 names, and It's getting laborious.
> I'd like something that fits the following criteria:
> 1. ability to send HTML mail
> 2. automatically remove addresses that bounce and fit certain criteria -
> i.e. remove bounced emails because the address is dead, but not if the box
> is full (if the box is full for 2 months, yes)
> 3. eventually I'd like to put a form on the website to let people add
> themselves to the list
> 4. I can't use listserve software, obviously, because I don't want people
> being able to email the other members of the list
> 5. free as in beer (or at least really, really cheap)
> 6. free as in freedom would be nice, but I'll look at any suggestions
> 7. link at the bottom of the email for people to remove themselves
> 8. I just started using google apps (the free version), so if it could work
> with that it would be great
> I'm sure I'm forgetting something, so if anyone has any other suggestions or
> things to look for, please let me know.
> Michael Dolan
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