I have great respect for the MS Certifications. When it comes to testing time you either know the material or you don't. I did save some money - I bought a copy of "Practical PostgresSQL" for $5.65 at Amazon.com. It even has the original CD. Answered the question on sequences I had the first time I cracked the book. I've been watching the whole YouTube series by NewBoston and PHPAcademy. They're a little raw but I think they do teach some useful skills. Its helpful to listen and watch. I like their prototyping methodology in the series on user registration. Recently I began freelancing commercial art (my old gig as a sales administrator for Hobby Motors has gone into retirement with the owner) and I'm creating my own contact database with Postgresql, Php and Apache. Say bye bye to Access 97.

On 6/30/2011 11:01 AM, Worms wrote:
The MS Certs and the newer java (1.5) certs are well respected.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 30, 2011, at 10:37, Brad Bendily<bend...@gmail.com>  wrote:

Back to the certification issue, something is better than nothing in most cases.
I assume most hiring managers, if they don't know about w3schools or
LSU or whatever other
cert you have, (and this totally depends on the number of applications
they receive) would
look it up and try to ascertain if it is a decent cert. No one things
because you have a cert
in X, that you're an expert in X, but they do think at least you have
some knowledge and the
desire to learn and go out to get a cert.
If a hiring manager receives hundreds of apps from individuals, then
those will most likely be
weeded out by HR. And HR is going to look for matching up items from
the resume to items
requested on the posting.

Regarding w3schools, if someone looks that up, they may think, "this
is an online
only test" and therefore may decide to not give as much weight as a
cert you took a course for
and then a test at LSU with a proctor involved. Not that one is better
than the other, but it's about
perception. You may want to search for industry recognized certs, i'm
not sure what those are
for web programming, but that may be the best option instead of random
classes at lsu.

The tough part for you, that i can tell, is you're just trying to get
certs to have something, then going to
find a job? I suggest looking for jobs you want, then getting certs
they request/desire.
Most postings will say, X cert required or desired.
Certs aren't the end all, but they certainly help get your resume past
HR, but usually if it's the cert
that is mentioned in the posting.

That said, the 3-4 jobs I have had have been mostly by reference, then
me being able to sell myself.
One of which was a reference right here on BRLUG. (actually, my current job).

I would say keep trying, and don't not apply for a job cause you don't
match what's listed.
One thing to remember about a job posting is that they request/desire
an expert, but only want to
pay entry level. My thought has always been, you may not have all the
desired skills, but you may
be the most skilled person to apply.


I protest the $495.

On 6/28/2011 8:15 AM, Dustin Puryear wrote:

You protest what? That LSU is offering those classes? They seem useful to

From: general-boun...@brlug.net [mailto:general-boun...@brlug.net] On
Behalf Of Byron Como
Sent: Monday, June 27, 2011 4:04 PM
To: general@brlug.net
Subject: Re: [brlug-general] Programming certification.

LSU Continuing Education Courses:

Web Design Basics/Introduction to HTML - $395

PHP / MySQL for Web Developers - $495

I doth protest, sir.

E-Learning Center:

PHP&  MySQL - $69

On 6/26/2011 11:39 PM, Joey Kelly wrote:

On Sat June 25 2011 9:52 pm, Byron Como wrote:

Is w3schools a legit certification?

No. You take a "test" online, then they market a certificate to you.

taken a couple of their quizzes, they're based on their tutorials and

ask the most basic of questions. Don't waste your money.


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