I'm on Comcast... YMMV.  I have a debian box that is running as my router.
I couldn't get v6 to work with comcast with the ISC client.   I had to
install the wide-dhcpv6-client package and go from there.  That was for the
WAN connection.  Google around for the wide dhcp package and there are some
howto docs out there.  I had to cobble together some scripts to get it all
to work.

For the internal network, I chose to support auto config so that all my
devices would work... so, I'm running radvd on the internal interface of my
debian router.  Comcast supposedly will delegate larger than a /64, but I
gave up on getting that to work.  Seemed like the route wasn't getting set
on their end.

I ran into a number of issues getting it set up... and it's a bit hazy now
because it's been a while and I didn't keep good notes.  But, if you need
further info, I can look on my running system and let you know how I have
things here.

On Sun, Jan 24, 2016 at 7:58 PM, Keith Stokes <ke...@digital-gurus.com>

> Has anyone worked with Cox Residential in BR/Laf/NO on IPv6? Support told
> me a few weeks ago it's been deployed in our area.
> I've learned that I get the best tech support from them on Sunday so today
> I hit them up in web chat for instructions or methods they use. Anything to
> get me started.
> They want me to call their Home Networking Group. Since I'd rather pull
> out my fingernails than try to explain how I'm running a PfSense box with
> static and dynamic VPNs, a handful of creative rules, Macs, Linux (see
> there's a link in here somewhere to the list) and Windows, plus everything
> else I can think of to make life harder for them, I'm hoping someone else
> has done this before and is willing to share.
> --
> Keith Stokes
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