The Apache Derby project is pleased to announce feature release

Apache Derby is a sub-project of the Apache DB project. Derby is a pure Java relational database engine which conforms to the ISO/ANSI SQL and JDBC standards. Derby aims to be easy for developers and end-users to work with.

Derby can be obtained from the Derby download site: re-packages Derby as a set of JPMS modules. This introduces a new jar file, derbyshared.jar, required by all configurations. Existing users can continue to boot Derby with a classpath as they have always done. Applications will run as they did on older Derby versions.

Alternatively, users can now boot Derby with a module path. Doing so provides extra security by encapsulating (hiding) Derby's internal classes inside the new modules.

Via the JDK's jlink tool, the new Derby modules can be assembled into shrink-wrapped, footprint-optimized applications which deploy on platforms lacking a JVM--platforms like smart phones and tablets.

Users who want to study Derby's module structure may consult the module diagrams in the 10.15 public API.

Derby runs on JVMs from Java 9 on up.

Please try out this new release.

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