
Reading Language Support in Developer's Guide, it's not entirely clear how to perform a multi-language-aware full-text query--do I simply use multiple cts:query constructors with appropriate lang options in a cts:or-query?

Given a database default language of English, a div element fragment root, and the following content loaded:

                <p>unanimous suffrages</p>
                <p xml:lang="fr">et qui atteste Les Suffrages unanimes</p>

Taking advantage of the French language module, I want my cts:search to recall both divs when the cts:word-query is on "suffrage" -- tokenized and stemmed for both languages. Passing the list ("lang=en", "lang=fr") as the options expression doesn't do the trick, although that would be easier to code....

Shannon Scott Shiflett, programmer/analyst with ROTUNDA,
The University of Virginia Press, Charlottesville, VA  USA

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