Shannon <> writes:
> I understand that in XML and XQuery an ampersand needs to be written
> as &amp;, but I need a constructed node to be output with a literal
> "&" string, but it's being translated into &amp; -- The following tag
> in an XQY prolog:
> <object>                              
> <embed flashvars="{concat("zoomifyImagePath=img/", $filename,
> "&zoomifySplashScreen=0")}" src="ZoomifyViewer.swf" menu="false"
> pluginspage="";
> type="application/ x-shockwave-flash" width="800" height="500"
> name="ZoomifyViewer"></ embed>
> </object>
> I have tried encoding and escaping.  Please, is there a workaround?

Are you sure that putting the escaped & in there is a problem?

If you send

  <embed flashvars="zoomifyImagePath=img/someFn&amp;zoomifySplashScreen=0"

to a browser, it should interpret that attribute value as 


which is presumably what the plugin wants. If you could persuade the
generated HTML to include

  <embed flashvars="zoomifyImagePath=img/someFn&zoomifySplashScreen=0"

you'd be relying on quirky parsing at best.

OTOH, maybe what I've just said applyes to XHTML but not HTML. Still,
it might be worth testing...

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh
Principal Technologist
Mark Logic Corporation
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