Tony Mariella <> writes:

> I have a ML Query that gives me results as xs:string
> I would like to use xs:normalizedString to strip out all the
> carriage returns and spaces
> from the result. I keep getting Invalid cast error.
> Any ideas ?

With respect to xs:normalizedString, it looks to me like rather than
removing any tabs or line feeds, it would simply be an error to attempt to
construct an xs:normaliedString that contains them.

As several replies have pointed out, the XPath "normalize-space"
function is probably what you want. XPath, like XML, treats spaces,
newlines, tabs, and line feeds all equivalently as spaces. The
normalize-space function replaces all whitespace characters (and
sequences of more than one whitespace character) with a single space.

If you want to remove all the spaces, the easiest way is probably to
use fn:replace, possibly after fn:normalize-space, just so you don't
have to specify all the whitespace characters separately in the

One final very small point that *might* be relevant. XML parsers
typically replace carriage return characters with line feeds. It is
possible to get a lone carriage return into your document, but it
requires extra work. If you *really* meant carriage return, then you
might have to do it directly with replace.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh
Principal Technologist
Mark Logic Corporation
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