

I'm writing a cleanup function that takes a base context to match to
find documents that should be deleted:


(: returns a sequence of URIs that should be deleted in the context of
$base_context (ie: /ra_document) that's older than $duration :)

declare function cleanup:find($duration as xs:dayTimeDuration,
$base_context as node()*)


  let $query :=


      cts:element-range-query(xs:QName('started_at'), '<=',
fn:current-dateTime() - $duration)


  for $doc in cts:search($base_context, $query)

  return (xdmp:node-uri($doc))



cleanup:find(xs:dayTimeDuration('P60D'), /some_document)


------------------8< snip --------------------------------------


When I run that, I get an error that the expression is unsearchable.


What I'd like to do is provide a base context to do the search on (ie: a
document node type).


Is there any way to do this?




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