Pulling strictly from memory, if you let AppBuilder create the sample database for you, it'll also automatically create all of the indexes for you as well--effectively nipping this problem in the bud.

However, if you fail to take that route initially, then backtracking for me caused problems, too: The last time I tried to deploy the sample Oscars app, I got a similar message--something generic about an error when attempting to deploy, so something unexpected happens when going through this process. I will need to open a Support case on it. Kinda in the same boat you're in at the moment.

On Sep 3, 2009, at 10:22 AM, Jakob Fix wrote:


I'm starting to look at the appbuilder application. I encounter
problems simply by trying to follow the instructions for the Oscars
sample application (for upgraders). For the first time, the project
was created fine (i.e. the wizard with the different tabs Appearance,
Search, Sorting, ... Deploy, started), but for both "Search" and
"Sorting" small yellow triangles with exclamation marks were shown.
Clicking on them a popup told me that a number of element range
indexes etc were missing.  In consequence, the application could not
be deployed.  So I started afresh, but was told that the Oscars forest
and database already existed. I then proceeded to remove manually both
items using the System Admin interface.  Since then, attempting to
create a new project (any name, any new database name) gets a popup
saying that the project could not be created. I should mention that
this is an update from 4.0-3 to 4.1-1.  When doing the same on another
machine with a clean install no problems were encountered.  I will try
and remove the App-Builder database + forest and start from scratch.
If you have other ideas, I'm listening.

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Shannon Scott Shiflett, XML Programmer
ROTUNDA, The University of Virginia Press
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