Hi David,

> I tried using Fragment Root to put each <item> into its own
> fragment, but alas these are very small elements.
> The recommendation I read for fragments are 10k-100k These
> are more like 50 bytes each.
> The result "worked" but ran about 2x slower then not
> fragmenting the document.

Yes, using a Fragment Root doesn't sound helpful to me either. I really meant 
putting each item in a separate document. I know this creates documents much 
smaller than the recommended 10k, but that doesn't have to mean that MarkLogic 
Server can't perform very fast with that. It might just be less space 
efficient.. ;-)

Can you give some more insight into the hierarchy of your items? Perhaps a 
slightly larger sample? I would like to experiment a bit with the data and 
various solutions, just to see how well each solution performs.. (Not making 
any promisses though!)

Kind regards,

Drs. G.P.H. Josten

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