Hi Folks,


I'm trying to take an XML document that refers to a DTD and to remove the
DTD declaration and insert a default namespace.  I built a recursive
function that goes thru each node:


declare namespace pre = "http://mystuff.com/pre";;


declare function pre:passthru-nodeset($x as node()) as node()*
    for $z in $x/(@* | node()) return pre:build-nodeset($z)

declare function pre:build-nodeset($x as node()) as node()*
(:Revise link counts, clean up link, add link attributes to mixed-citation:)
    typeswitch ($x)
    case text() return $x
    case attribute () return $x
    case element (record)
            element record {        
            attribute xsi:schemaLocation { "/the-schema.xsd" },
            attribute xmlns:xsi
            attribute xmlns {"http://mystuff.com/schema"},
    case element ()
        return element {string(local-name($x))} {
    default return pre:passthru-nodeset($x)

The problem is that the resulting XML document from invoking
pre:build-nodeset($record) looks something like this:


<record xsi:schemaLocation="/APAthe-schema.xsd" id="1001" 


  <list xmlns="">


and when I try to validate the resulting document a validation error occurs
because the default namespace has been renamed at the <list> element.  How
can I remove the xmlns="" declaration from the <list> element?


Thanks ahead of time,


Tim Meagher

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