Have you looked at using the fn:trace() or xdmp:trace() functions and filtering 
the log on the event name?

If you called fn:trace() like this:

fn:trace( "This is my application's message", "MyApplication")

It writes an entry to ErrorLog.txt that looks like this;

  2010-03-10 08:26:49.605 Info: [Event:id=MyApplication] This is my 
application's message

It's then easy to read the ErrorLog.txt and return the lines with your 
particular event name ("id=...").

Here is a function that can be used to read any of the logs and return the last 
"$maxentries" that contain the event name:

declare function readLog($filename as xs:string, $maxentries as xs:integer, 
$event as xs:string)
as xs:string*
            try {
                        (: We need to restrict reading of logs to the Log 
directory or this becomes an open door
                           to read any file on the host file system. :)
                        if (fn:contains($filename, "/") or 
fn:contains($filename, "\"))
                        then fn:concat("Error: Invalid Log name specified: '", 
$filename, "'")
                        else (
                                    let $pathsep     := if 
(xdmp:platform()="winnt") then "\" else "/"
                                    let $logdir        := 
fn:concat(xdmp:data-directory(), $pathsep, "Logs", $pathsep)
                                    let $logfile       := fn:concat( $logdir, 
                                    let $content     := 
                                    (: split the output into individual entries 
                                    let $entries       :=
($event eq "")
fn:tokenize($content,"\n")[fn:contains(., $event)]
                                    let $i                := fn:count($entries)
                                    let $first           := fn:max( (1, $i - 
$maxentries) )
                                    return $entries[$first to fn:last()]
            catch ($e) {
                        fn:concat("Exception thrown reading log: ", 
$e/error:format-string/text() )

Note that if you pass an empty event name it will return the last entries of 
the log file.

If you wrap your message in an element name like this:

declare function logInfo($evtid as xs:string, $values as item()*)
as item()*
let $msg := element message { $values }
            return fn:trace( $msg, $evtid )

Use xdmp:unquote() on the <message> after the event string and you have all the 
power of XQuery for further processing.

Let me know if that helps.

Keith L. Breinholt

From: general-boun...@developer.marklogic.com 
[mailto:general-boun...@developer.marklogic.com] On Behalf Of isa ran
Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2010 7:57 AM
To: general@developer.marklogic.com
Subject: [MarkLogic Dev General] working with .txt file in MarkLogic


Can we load and update a .txt file using MarkLogic/generic xquery functions in 
Something similar to a ErrorLog.txt and using xdmp:log()......
to be specific a customized log file for the application rather than using the 
I don't mind if the .txt file is in the filesystem or the Marklogic database.

Thanking you,

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