Ok, I understand !
I see what you mean, I'll change the way that my function process, take the 
type info from my sql table to work on.
Thank you !
From: jhun...@marklogic.com
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2010 10:35:51 -0700
To: general@developer.marklogic.com
Subject: Re: [MarkLogic Dev General] mlsql : sql:execute and sql:params (string 
length problem)

It looks like SQL Server just doesn't like the string you've constructed.  You 
should print out the string you're sending and see if it works when directly 
typed to SQL Server.  I bet it won't, and you might be able to see the problem 
I notice you're not escaping special characters so that could be a cause (it's 
a security risk regardless).
The latest MLSQL supports bind parameters which you might want to use instead.  
Safer, shorter.
On Aug 26, 2010, at 12:22 AM, Arnaud Roch wrote:Hi,

I want to insert to an SQL server database a large amount of data.
My query is like "INSERT INTO [dbo].[Table] ([Field1],[Field2],...,[FieldN]) 
VALUES (Value1,Value2,...,ValueN). I'd near 1750 character.
My Xquery look like this :

for $p in //Product
    sql:params (
        fn:concat("INSERT INTO [dbo].[", fn:local-name($p),"] (",
            fn:string-join (
                         for $e in $p/*, $l in $p/*[fn:last()]
                         return  fn:concat("[",fn:local-name($e),"]",
                                    if (fn:local-name($e) != fn:local-name($l)) 
then "," else ""),
                         ") VALUES (",
                         for $e in $p/*, $l in $p/*[fn:last()] 
                         return  fn:concat($e, 
                                    if (fn:local-name($e) != fn:local-name($l)) 
then "," else ""),

When I run it, it throw me this 
<sql:result xmlns:sql="http://xqdev.com/sql";>
<sql:exception type="com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException">
The name 'INSERT INTO [dbo].[Table] ([Field1], [Field2]...,[Field' is not a 
valid identifier.

I look at the string length and I found that the returned string had 644 
So I've deducted that 1 param "?" have a limited string length .

Is there a way to increase this string length value ?

I have the same problem with my functions to make the same type of query and 
wich return a 1750 characters query !

Thank you !
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