Thank you, Michael Blakeley, for posting your function:

declare function local:document-rename(
 $old-uri as xs:string, $new-uri as xs:string)
as empty-sequence()
  let $permissions := xdmp:document-get-permissions($old-uri)
  let $collections := xdmp:document-get-collections($old-uri)
  return xdmp:document-insert(
    $new-uri, doc($old-uri),
    if ($permissions) then $permissions
    else xdmp:default-permissions(),
    if ($collections) then $collections
    else xdmp:default-collections(),
  let $prop-ns := namespace-uri(<prop:properties/>)
  let $properties :=
      [ namespace-uri(.) ne $prop-ns ]
  return xdmp:document-set-properties($new-uri, $properties)

It helped me to reclaim some lost time when I inadvertently renamed all the 
documents in a modules database (warning to all: in OS X Finder, if you add a 
WebDAV-connected folder to the sidebar, and rename the sidebar entry, you 
actually end up renaming the source directory, i.e., all the documents in your 
database!, not the shortcut/alias, which is utterly unexpected behavior; to 
make matters worse, it prefixed "http://"; to the URIs which is an invalid 
WebDAV pathname, so the documents appeared to be *deleted* at first glance, 
which was pretty unsettling). 

So, thanks, Mike, for helping me to get my app back, and I'm curious, why is 
there an xdmp:document-rename?

Best regards,

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