The XQDT Eclipse plug-in also has code completion for MarkLogic
extension functions (and it's pretty speedy at that).


[] On Behalf Of Keith L.
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2010 12:30 PM
To: General Mark Logic Developer Discussion
Subject: Re: [MarkLogic Dev General] Getting started wtih MarkLogic


I'll throw my two cents in.




Personally, I use Oxygen for all the same reasons David mentioned.  It
also supports XSLT and XML Diff and Merge. If you intend to use C# or
C++ for your frontend and make XCC calls to MarkLogic for your
XML/XQuery, Oxygen is a good fit for your needs and environment.  Please
note: You need the Oxygen's Enterprise license to enable debugging


Notepad++ is also popular with several of our developers.  It has syntax
highlighting and you can switch seamlessly to C++ or C# code but it
doesn't have debugger support ... and it's free.


Speaking of Free; Sam Neth has been adding XQuery support to Eclipse so
you have all the syntax highlighting for XQuery, C#, C++  and it's all
free.  I believe debugging capability is in the works as well.


Unit testing:


We've written several in-house and modified other Unit test platforms to
make XCC calls for unit testing. If you have a unit test platform you
are familiar with my suggestion is to see what it would take to extend
it to make XCC calls to MarkLogic.  I am not familiar with TDD or
SP_Unit but most frameworks are easily extendable to call other code
(they call unit tests right?) and you can create your own wrapper to
make XCC/XQuery calls.


Robert: " Ideally we would like something that would integrate with
Visual Studio, since that is what we will probably be using for the
front end."


Yeah, adding MarkLogic/XQuery support to Visual Studio is on my list
too.  Using the XCC library from Visual Studio is simple enough, but
adding XQuery syntax highlighting and debugging...




[] On Behalf Of Lee, David
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2010 9:06 AM
To: General Mark Logic Developer Discussion
Subject: Re: [MarkLogic Dev General] Getting started wtih MarkLogic


What your asking for is personal preferences.   I have some :)


1) Editor.


I use 2 editors for XQuery development with ML and other xquery apps.

A) Stylus Studio

B) Oxygen


Oxygen seems to be the community preferred editor (by various
non-scientific pool's I've seen and done at XML conferences).  Also
Oxygen has direct support for debugging against a marklogic server.


However, my personal preference is Stylus Studio.  I find it much easier
to use, faster, less buggy and more powerful.

It *lacks* a direct support for debugging against MarkLogic which I
thought I would need (hence I bought Oxygen), but have found that
Oxygen's ML support is weak.  For example you cannot support debugging
into HTTP App servers which is mostly what I am authoring.


But again, most people I talk to use Oxygen and swear by it.

I find I do like having both around for the occasion when Stylus doesnt
do what I want (maybe 1% of the time) Then I wil try oxygen and find
that it may do it or may not.   A nice thing about Oxygen that *is
useful* is that it supports syntax highlighting and code completion of
markogic extension functions. 



2) Unit Testing.

Lots of ways of doing that.  Depends on *what* you want to unit test and

If your unit testing the HTTP App server then any kind of Web based unit
testing tool would work (Its "just a web server").  If you want to unit
test module level calls then you could do this with a .NET native unit
testing tool as XCC supports a .NET API.



I'm biased



I personally use  xmlsh MarkLogic extension which has very easy and
powerful scripting capabilities.





David A. Lee

Senior Principal Software Engineer

Epocrates, Inc.









[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2010 10:55 AM
Subject: [MarkLogic Dev General] Getting started wtih MarkLogic


Hi all,


I have a couple of general questions.  Our company is developing a new
product with a MarkLogic backend.  We are a C#, C++ shop.  We are
leaning towards an MS MVC implementation of the web application. We use
TDD or at least write unit tests for everything, including using SP_Unit
for our more complex database work. We do pair programming so we need to
standardize on an editor.


What editor would you recommend we use?


What would you recommend for unit testing?


It would be nice to be able to run our tests from inside the editor.
Ideally we would like something that would integrate with Visual Studio,
since that is what we will probably be using for the front end.




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