Hello all, 
I have some difficulties in integrating marklogic with the apache web-server 
and I thought I could ask for your help.The instructions I've been following 
belong to  http://developer.marklogic.com/learn/2004-09-cisapache . What I did 
is adding a few lines in the httpd.conf file so apache would forward the 
requests for the .xqy pages to marklogic. The thing is now I got an "access 
forbidden" message and don't know how to fix this. Hhow am I going to run my 
.xqy files if I can't even access them?! I also want to add I'm newbie to this 
whole thing(the thing with webservers, the way they work, native xml database, 
marklogic etc) so if I misunderstood something please do tell... I am very much 
interested in listening and learning ... ThankU. 
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